
Hi, I’m Jessica!

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Easy & Challenging Infants

Easy & Challenging Infants

I refuse to say that any child is bad, however, some infants are MUCH easier than others.

When Carson was born my husband and I were forced to eat a BIG slice of humble pie. It turns out we weren’t professional parents, and we didn’t discover the secret to parenting with Liam. He was just an easy baby!

Liam was chill as a cucumber. He slept like an angel and never spit up. When we took Liam in public you wouldn’t even know he was there. He was overjoyed to just be alive. 


We were told over and over again that Liam was perfect and not to expect every baby to be that way. But we were enjoying the view from our high horse. We thought his perfect behavior was because of our magical parenting skills, not his personality. Let me just take another bite of that humble pie and admit that everyone was 1000% CORRECT.

Liam was hands down the easiest baby I’ve ever cared for. Easy babies boost our confidence as parents. They make being a parent enjoyable. I never struggled with mom guilt raising Liam. I felt like I knew what I was doing, he made our dreams of a huge family seem realistic.

Carson, on the other hand, was put on this earth to teach me patience. He has an extremely challenging personality and is very hard to please. He spit up after every meal and would only sleep if being held. When you take Carson in public you’ll hear him across the building. He is demanding and very aggressive with his love.


Now don’t take this the wrong way. I LOVE Carson and he has so many wonderful personality traits. But they do not include being laid back or quiet.

I don’t feel anger or resentment towards Carson. His behavior isn’t a result of our parenting. It’s just simply who he is. Carson is my feisty strong-willed fighter. He taught me how to be more understanding and less judgmental towards other parents. I will always be thankful for my challenging baby - for teaching me how to truly be a better parent. 

Were your infants easy or challenging?!

Our Autumn Tradition

Our Autumn Tradition

I’m grateful for these friendships

I’m grateful for these friendships